6 October 2016


                     Cranberries are unlike any other fruit in the world. From cape Cod to Washington State, the cranberry has played a role in holiday culture and family health &wellness for years. Its unique health benefits and refreshing, tart put it in a league of its own when it comes to healthy refreshment . In this section you will find facts on the origins of the cranberry, learn how it is harvested and see its beauty in the bog.

History of Cranberry:


      Many Uses:

                                 Native Americans, long before the Pilgrims arrived in 1620, mixed deer meat and mashed cranberries to make pemmican cranberries a convenience food that kept for long periods. They also believed that cranberries had medicinal value, and where used by medicine men as an ingredient in poultices to draw poison from arrow wounds. Cranberries juice was a natural dye for rugs, blankets and clothing. The Deleware Indians in New Jersey used the cranberry as a symbol of peace.